Options & finishes – Cal Flame Outdoor Woodburning Fireplace User Manual

Page 14

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baSE FiniShES

Integrate your fire fixture seamlessly with the
other pieces of your Cal spas Home Resort with
your choice of Ameristone stucco, Cultured
stone, brick or Bedrock® panel options.

top FiniShES

Your fire fixture can be accented with beauti-
ful granite, porcelain tile, natural stone tile or

wrappEd bottom mantEl

Extend the bottom mantel around
the sides of your fireplace base,
creating more space for decora-
tions and plants.

36” FirEbox

Upgrade from a standard 30”
firebox to a larger 36” metal
firebox that comes standard with
a 7-piece 24-inch fire log set,
allowing more people to enjoy the

42” wood burning FirEbox

select outdoor fireplaces can be
converted to burn wood and auto-
matically receive a 42” stainless
steel firebox.

lEd lighting

make your fireplace eye-catching
even when not in use with bright
lED lights that punctuate the
night with beauty.

StErEo SyStEm

Groove to your favorite tunes
around the fire with this ipod-
ready system and two premium
stereo speakers.

arCh dESign

Customize your 30” and 36” fire-
box arch with durable and elegant
simulated stone. Arch design
depends on firebox size.

FirE on iCE - Shown at lEFt & bElow (FirEpit only)

Replace the standard fire log, grate and lava rock set with
scintillating tempered glass chips that will never lose its
color and is safe to the environment and your hands. We
recommend mixing and matching two bags in different
colors. Choose from peridot, sapphire, malachite, Topaz
and Onyx to create your own design!

optionS & finiSHeS

W W W . C A l s p A s . C O m

ExCluSiVE grEEn hEat

Wood burning fireplaces can be equipped
with this smoke reclamation system for
cleaner and healthier emissions.






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