Citizen Systems printers User Manual

Better. believe it

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Citizen has been making dot matrix printers for more than twenty

years so our experience in this business is truly vast.

Our printers are split in to two ranges - the Swift and Prodot

printers. The Swift range are ‘traditional’ dot matrix printers which

feed the paper round the platten, whereas the Prodot range are

flatbed products, ideal for more specialist media


If you need the most flexible media

handling, we recommend the Prodot

range. They accept a wide variety of

media from 7-part forms to business

cards and also have the ability to

automatically adjust media thickness and

align media that is not inserted correctly.

High Performance

For fast, high performance printing, the Swift range is designed as a

‘desktop workhorse printer’. As well as a range of paper feeding

options such as rear or bottom feed, paper parking, zero-tear-off,

the Swifts are built with tried-and-tested reliability which causes

our customers to come back to us time-

and-time again for more


Superior Connectivity

For adaptability and

connectivity in different

applications and environments,

the printers are equipped with

parallel ports as standard. The

Prodots and the Swift 120e also have a serial

port as standard and this can be added as an option on all the rest.

Additionally, an external Ethernet adapter can be used to network

our printers.


Banking and finance: passbook printing, paying-in slips and

cheque printing.

Pharmaceutical and medical: doctor’s surgeries and dispensing


Logging system: hotels telephone systems, bank journal printing

General business: for special stationary such as invoices,

envelopes or labels.

Front-desk applications: hotel reception, airline desks and retail


Better. Believe it.


D o t M a t r i x P r i n t e r s

High Performace Dot Matrix

Flatbed Dot Matrix Printers

Full Two Year Warranty

Reliability As Standard

S w i f t R a n g e

Citizen offers a range of computer printers for business,
industrial and home use. Well known for its
comprehensive family of dot matrix printers, in recent
years Citizen has established its reputation as a
manufacturer of high quality, reliable thermal printers.

Citizen manufactures an extensive selection of impact
printers. From highly specified, 9-pin printers, ideal for
small business and education establishments, to versatile,
high speed, flatbed products, with an aptitude for printing
on awkward media, Citizen has a printer to suit your
applications, including fast, high-performance, workhorse
printers for industrial and departmental use.

A major player in the thermal portable printer market,
Citizen produces a range of innovative products, including
the world's smallest A4, cable-free printer. Offering
infrared-capable products is part of Citizen's commitment
to providing solutions for the hand-held computer market
and the company's precision mechanical and
microelectronic technologies have made a major
contribution to the downsizing of information equipment.

With its range of printers for the Auto ID market, including
portable barcode-capable 'PDA' printers with infrared and
bluetooth interfaces, Citizen combines highly specified
products and reliability at cost-effective prices. Its direct
thermal and thermal transfer label printers are designed to
suit various applications including healthcare,
manufacturing, warehousing, retail and baggage handling.
With a variety of options available, Citizen is the obvious
choice for quality, innovative, easy-to-use barcode labelling

Citizen Systems Europe

Park House, 643-651 Staines Road, Feltham. TW14 8PA

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8893 1900 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8893 0080

Mettingerstr. 11, D-73728 Esslingen, Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 711 3906 420 Fax: +49 (0) 711 3906 405

All trademarks are acknowledged®. Errors & omissions excluded.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.

© Citizen Systems Europe 2005
