Pumping (cont.), 1 device operation (cont.) – Medela Pump In Style User Manual

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Close the bottle with a lid.

Follow the instructions in

Section 4 “Storing Breastmilk
& Section 5 "Preparing and
and Feeding Breastmilk”.

• Always disconnect Pump In Style



the power source after expression.

• Only fi ll the bottle to the 150 mL mark.


3. Pumping (cont.)

3.1 Device operation (cont.)

• How often should you pump? A

breastpump is a replacement for when

you are separated from your baby. It

is important to pump when the baby

would be breastfeeding, which usually

means a working mother pumps 2-3

times during an 8 hour working day.

• How long should your pumping

session last? Pumping times can vary

from mother to mother sometimes 15

minutes, sometimes up to 30 minutes.

• How should your breasts feel after

pumping? After pumping, your breasts

should feel soft and there should be

no fi rm areas. Before pumping, your

breasts will have a fi rm, heavy feeling.

After pumping make sure your breasts

are not fi rm or have lumpy areas. This

could indicate that the breast is not

draining all over. See Section 7 for

more information.



Unplug breastpump from
power source.