Marlin model 60 User Manual

Page 6

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• WARNING: Your rifle is now cocked and

ready to fire as soon as the safety is
pushed to the FIRE position.

How to Fire

Push the safety to the “FIRE” position and,
with the rifle pointed at the target, squeeze
the trigger. Since your rifle is self-loading,
after each shot it is ready to be fired again,
until the magazine, feedthroat, and chamber
are empty, at which point the automatic “last
shot” bolt hold-open will engage.

If you do not fire all cartridges in the maga-
zine, be sure to put the safety on “SAFE”
until you are ready to shoot again.

• WARNING: Because of its self-loading

action, if the bolt of your rifle is com-
pletely closed, you must assume that it
is cocked and loaded.

How to Unload

• WARNING: Before you unload, be sure

your rifle is on SAFE and pointed in a
safe direction, and that your fingers are
away from the muzzle and the trigger.

Be sure the inner magazine tube is locked
in place. Cycle the action repeatedly by
pulling the charging handle all the way
back and letting it snap forward (See J).

Repeat this action until the ejection of car-
tridges ceases. When the last cartridge
has been ejected, the automatic bolt hold-
open will engage (See C).

Any mechanical device can fail, so
magazine follower is visible in the
feedthroat when the magazine is empty.

What to do if
your Rifle Fails to Fire

1. Misfire.

If you have squeezed the trigger

and nothing happens, remain in shooting
position, pointing the gun in a safe direc-
tion. Count to 10, then unload the rifle com-
pletely (See “How to Unload”).

2. Underpowered shot.

A “squib” or

underpowered shot, should not occur if
the ammunition is clean, dry, and facto-
r y l o a d e d . Y o u c a n t e l l i f a s h o t i s
underpowered by the unusually low
sound it makes.

• WARNING: Because the bullet may

actually still be in the barrel, you must
unload completely, and determine, with
a cleaning rod, if there is an obstruction.
If there is, it should be removed by a
qualified gunsmith. Otherwise, personal
injury or damage could result.


Your rifle has been sighted-in and test-
fired at the factory. Due to individual
shooting characteristics, however, sighting
should be range verified.

1.) Vertical Correction (Elevation)

To raise the point of impact, raise the rear
sight, by moving the sight elevator rear-
ward. To lower the point of impact, lower
the rear sight, by moving the sight elevator
forward. The sight can be raised and low-
ered by moving the stepped elevator for-
ward and back with your thumb.
