Model number, Part number, Part name – MTD 111-040 User Manual

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When ordering parts

give the following in­



1. Model number

2. Part number
3. Part name

S 4. Color of part




plug cable during repairs,
refueling or changing oil.

Engine oil may be drained

through oil filler opening

by tilting the mower on its

side. Change oil after first

5 hours of operation while

engine is warm. Thereafter,
change oil every 25 hours
of operation while engine

is warm.

When ordering replacement parts, be sure to specify your tiller model number^

part number, description of part, and the number of parts required . . . Parts and

service should be handled by your nearest authorized service firm as recommended

by your dealer. Request for parts and service received at the factory v/ill be for­

warded to the appropriate Central Service Distributor in your area for handling.

FORM NO. 2868B