Important, Training, Preparation – MTD 110-152A User Manual

Page 3: Operation, Maintenance and storage, Safe operation practices for walk-behind mowers

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It is suggested that this manual be read in its entirety before attempting to assemble or operate. Keep this
manual in a safe place for future reference and for ordering replacement parts.

This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASOLINE or OIL. After assembly, see operating section of this manual for

proper fuel and amount.

Your rotary mower is a precision piece of power equipment, not a plaything. Therefore exercise extreme
caution at all times.




Read the Operating and Service Owner’s

Manual carefully. Be thoroughly familiar with

the controls and the proper use of the equip­



Never allow children to operate a power

mower. Only persons well acquainted with
these rules of safe operation should be allow­
ed to use your mower.

3. Keep the area of operation clear of all per­

sons, particularly small children and pets.
Stop engine when they are in the vicinity of
your mower. Although the area of operation
should be completely cleared of foreign ob­
jects, a small object may have been overlook­
ed and could be accidently thrown by the

mower in any direction.


1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equip­

ment is to be used and remove all stones,
sticks, wire, bones and other foreign objects
which could be picked up and thrown by the
mower in any direction.

2. Do not operate equipment when barefoot or

wearing open sandals. Always wear substan­
tial footwear.

3. Do not wear loose fitting clothing that could

get caught on the mower.

4. Check the fuel before starting the engine. Do

not fill the gasoline tank indoors, when the
engine is running, or while the engine is still
hot. Wipe off any spilled gasoline before start­
ing the engine.


Disengage the self-propelled mechanism or

drive clutch on units so equipped before start­

ing the engine.

6. Never attempt to make a wheel or cutting

height adjustment while the engine is run­

7. Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light.

8. Never operate the equipment in wet grass.

Always be sure of your footing; keep a firm

hold on the handle and walk, never run.


1. Do not change the engine governor settings

or overspeed the engine. Excessive engine
speeds are dangerous.

2. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating

parts. Keep clear of the discharge opening at
all times.

3. Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel drive,

walks or roads.


After striking a foreign object, stop the

engine, remove the wire from the spark plug.







damage, and repair the damage before restart­

ing and operating the mower.

5. If the equipment should start to vibrate abnor­

mally, stop the engine and check immediately
for the cause. Vibration is generally a warning

of trouble.

6. Stop the engine whenever you leave the

mower, before cleaning the mower housing,
and when making any repairs or inspections.

7. When cleaning, repairing or inspecting, make

certain the blade and all moving parts have
stopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire, and
keep the wire away from the plug to prevent
accidental starting.

8. Before attempting to unclog the mower or

discharge chute, stop the engine and be sure
the blade(s) have stopped completely. Discon­
nect the spark plug wire and keep the wire
away from the plug to prevent accidental start­


9. Do not run the engine indoors.

10. Shut the engine off and wait until the blade

comes to a complete stop before removing
the grass catcher or unclogging chute.

11. Mow across the face of slopes, never up-and-

down. Exercise extreme caution when chang­

ing direction on slopes. Do not mow ex­

cessively steep slopes.


Always disconnect electric mowers (line

operated) before cleaning, repairing or ad­

13. Never operate mower without proper guards,

plates or other safety protective devices in

14. Keep washout ports and other mower-housing

service openings closed when mowing.


1. Check the blade and engine mounting bolts at

frequent intervals for proper tightness.

2. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be

sure the equipment is in safe working condi­

3. Never store the equipment with gasoline in

the tank inside of a buiiding where fumes may
reach an open flame or spark. Allow the








4. To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of

grass, leaves, or excessive grease.

5. Check the grass catcher bag frequently for

wear or deterioration. For safety protection

replace only with new bag meeting original

equipment specifications.

This manual is related to the following products: