Chariot Carriers 2004 User Manual

Page 4

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Videos, galleries, product demos and lots of useful information:

Move to brisk walks or light jogs >>

Consider a winter workout >>

Step out into nature >>

Finally, hit the road together >>

Start out using it as a stroller >>

The real magic in Chariot
Carriers is the ability to easily
transform your child carrier
from one mode to another.

Right on the spot. Without tools. It’s just as easy
as a click or a twist!

Chariot’s unique CTS Child Transport System
technology represents the ultimate in flexibility
for active families who enjoy participating in a
variety of activities together.

No other system gives you this much freedom or
flexibility. For example, with just one CTS Chariot
you can do up to five activities for the ultimate in
family flexibility. For example:

As your child grows, so do
your fitness options.

... And at any time switch back and forth. That’s CTS versatility!