Self-cleaning, Interrupting the self-clean cycle, Do i need to prepare – Amana THE BIG OVEN ACF4215A User Manual

Page 15: Using the oven control, Cont’d), Caimon, Warning, À warning

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Using the Oven Control








Self-clean feature uses high oven temperature to clean oven interior.
For the oven to operate through a complete self-clean cycle, the
self-dean must be set when the oven is cool.

1. Prepare oven for self-cleaning (see below right). Oven bottom

recess must be checked for grease build up before beginning a self­

clean cycle. See Care and Cleaning.

2. Close door.

3. Push and turn oven temperature knob to

CLEAN position.
• The defauit self-clean cycle length of

3 hours will display.

4. Set cycle length for self-clean.

• Use arrow keys to adjust time as

necessary before oven indicator light

turns on.

• Clean cycle can be set from two to four

hours in five minute increments.

• Default setting for the cycle is three hours.

5. Self-clean begins.

• OVEN ON indicator light will be on and will remain on until the end

of the cycle.

• At the end of the self-dean cycle, the OVEN ON indicator light will

shut off.

• At the end of the self-clean cycle, the oven will stop heating,

however, oven will remain hot.

• The LOCKED indicator light will remain on until oven reaches a

cooler temperature. LOCKED light will flash while door is

unlocking, and then shut off when door has unlocked. Oven cavity

will be hot to the touch. DO NOT attempt to open door prior to

LOCKED indicator light shutting off. When oven is cool, turn oven

knob to OFF.

Interrupting the self-clean cycle

To stop a self-clean cycle that has already started follow these steps.

If the interruption occurs mid cycle, the oven will remain locked, even

though the cycle has stopped, until the oven cavity has cooled to a

lower temperature.

1. Turn oven temperature knob to OFF position.

2. When oven has cooled to a lower temperature, LOCKED light

turns off. Door can be unlocked. DO NOT force door.
This can cause damage to the latch.



To avoid fire or smoke damage,

• remove any flammable

materials from storage drawer.
Items tike plastic containers and
paper manuals can melt or burn.

• clean excess spills before

starting a self-clean cycle.


To avoid risk of personal injury,
do not touch oven vents, or area
around vents, during self-cleaning.
These areas can become hot
enough to cause bums.


To avoid risk of personal injury,
property damage, or fire, clean
excess grease and soil from
oven before beginning a self­
clean cycle.

Do I need to prepare?

To get the best results from the
self-clean cycle, follow these steps:

Clean excess spills from oven
mterior and bottom thoroughly.

Remove birds or animals
susceptible to smoke or other
fumes from the room or

adjoining room.

Open window if possible.

Make sure oven light cover is
properly in place. Do not use
cleaning cycle if it is not.

Remove oven racks and all cooking
utensils from oven.

Remove items from range top,
backguard and storage drawer.
These areas can become hot during
self-cleaning cycle.

The range vents from the center
bottom of the backguard. Make
sure this area is unobstructed by
removing all items from backguard
and range top.


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