Acer S190HQL User Manual
Safety instructions, Package contents, Attaching the monitor to the base
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Safety Instructions
Observe the following safety guidelines when connection and using your monitor:
Be sure that your monitor is eiectricaiiy rated to operate with the AC power avaiiabie in your iocation.
Locate your monitor near an easiiy accessible eiectricai outiet.
Piace the monitor on a soiid surface and treat it carefuiiy. The screen can be damaged if dropped, sharpiy hit, or touched with a sharp or abrasive
Put your monitor in a iocation with iow humidity and a minimum of dust.
Never use your monitor if the power cabie has been damaged. Do not aiiow anything to rest on the power cabie, and keep the cabie away from where
peopie couid trip over it.
Never insert anything metaiiic into the monitor openings. Doing so may create the danger of eiectric shock.
To avoid eiectric shock, never touch the inside of the monitor. Oniy a quaiified technician shouid open the monitor's case.
Be sure to hoid the piug, not the cabie, when disconnecting the monitor from an eiectricai outiet.
Openings in the monitor cabinet are provided for verrtiiation. To prevent overheating, these openings shouid not be biocked or covered. Aiso, avoid
using the monitor on a bed, sofa, rug, or other soft surface.
Doing so may biocktheventiiation openings in the bottom of the cabinet. If you put the monitor in a bookcase or some other enciosed space, be sure to
provide adequate ventiiation.
Do not expose the monitor to rain or use it near water, if the monitor accidentaiiy gets wet, unpiug it and contact an authorized deaier immediateiy.
You can ciean the exterior of the monitor with a damp cioth when necessary, but be sure to unpiug the monitor first, if your monitor does not operate
normaiiy-in particuiar, if there are any unusuai sounds or smeiis coming from it -unpiug the monitor immediateiy and contact an authorized deaier or
service center.
Package Contents
AC power
Audio cable
AC adapter User guide
Quick start
Attaching the monitor to the base
1. Remove the monitor base from the packaging and place it on a stable and level workspace.
2. Remove the monitor from the packaging.
3. Attach the the monitor stand arm to the base.
• Ensure that the base is locked onto the monitor stand arm. (for selected models)
• Secure the base to the monitor stand arm by turning the white screw using the integrated tab or a suitable coin, (for
selected models)
Connecting Your Monitor to a Computer
1. Turn off your monitor and unplug your computer's power cord.
2. 2-1 Connect Video Cable
a. Make sure both the monitor and computer are powered-OFF.
b. Connect the VGA video cable to the computer.
2-2 Connect Digital Cable (Only Dual-input model)
a. Make sure both the monitor and computer are powered-OFF.
b. Connect one end of the 24-pin DVI cable to the back of the monitor
and connect the other end to the computer's port.
2-3 Connectthe Audio Cable (Only Audio-Input Model)(Optional)
3. Connect one end of the adapter to the monitor and the other end to a properly
grounded, AC outlet.
4. Power-ON Monitor and Computer
Power-ON the monitor first, then power-ON the computer. This sequence is very important.
Externa! Controls
Power button/indicator
Turns the monitor on/off.
Blue indicates power on. Amber indicates standby/power saving mode.
If the OSD is active, press the Minus or Plus button to toggle between the
OSD options.
OSD functions
Press to view the OSD. Press again to enter a selection in the OSD.
Auto adjust button / exit
If the OSD is active, press Auto to exit the OSD. Once the OSD is inactive,
press Auto and the monitor will automatically optimize the display position,
focus, and clock of your display.
Empowering key
Press the Empowering Key to open the Acer eColor Management OSD and
access the scenario modes.
LCD Monitor Quick Setup Guide