Creek Audio OBH22 User Manual

Creek obh 22, Passive pre-amplifier, Operating

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Creek OBH-22

Creek OBH 22


Passive Pre-Amplifier

Input Impedance

< 20 kW

Output Impedance

20 kW


> 80 dB's @ 1kHz


0 - 90 dB's


3 Stereo pairs, inc Tape


2 Stereo pairs, 1 fixed, 1 variable

Relay Muting Factor

> 90dB's


Power requirements

24v @ 60 mA


Power Consumption

2W max

DC Connector Type

2.1 mm female DC jack

Input & Mute indication




150 x 100 x 66

Thank you for purchasing the OBH 22 Infra-red remote control passive Pre-Amp.


6” x 4” x 2 1/2”

You are now in possession of a State of the Art product. The functions and operation of


610 g, 1.3 lb

the OBH 22 are extremely simple. However, the following notes are provided to explain
all aspects of its design and use.

The function of the OBH 22 is to provide input selection and volume adjustment to your


Hi-Fi system from your armchair, via infra-red remote control. The unit consists of a high
quality motorised volume potentiometer, and two stereo relays which select the desired

If within two years of the purchase date your OBH product proves to be defective

input and tape output, together with a muting relay that can short the signals to ground.

for any reason other than accident, misuse, neglect, unauthorised modification
or fair wear and tear, Creek Audio Ltd will, at its discretion, replace the faulty

A built-in micro-controller decodes the infra-red signals transmitted by the handset an

parts without charge for labour or return carriage within the United Kingdom.

translates them into commands which activate the motorised potentiometer and the
muting and input selection relays. After each operation, the micro- controller turns itself

This warranty is valid only within the United Kingdom. and given in addition to

off to avoid any possibility of interfering with the main music signal.

statutory rights. Service enquiries outside the United Kingdom. should be
addressed first to the supplying dealer and or Creek distributor/importer.

LED’s are used to indicate the status and mode of operation.

Warranties granted in these countries are entirely at the discretion of the

The OBH 22 is purely passive and does not introduce any gain or distortion into the


signal path. It is therefore suitable to be used as a control Pre-Amp, provided the
sensitivity of the power amp that is being used is high enough to be driven directly from
the source. i.e. CD or Tuner etc.

Creek Audio Limited

The volume control can be operated manually at any time, whether the OBH 22 is

12 Avebury Ct, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TA England

powered or not, but without power only Line 1 can be utilised.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1442 260146 Fax: +44 (0) 870 622 0846

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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