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For details and for the online ”Instructions for repair” man-
In normal use, the lifetime of the diaphragms and valves
is typically 15,000 operating hours. Bearings have a typi-
cal durability of 40000 h. Motor capacitors have a typi-
cal durability in the range of 10000 to 40000 h depending
strongly on operation conditions including ambient tem-
perature, humidity or load.
Ensure that the pump cannot be operated acciden-
tally. Never operate the pump if covers or other
parts of the pump are disassembled.
Switch off the pump. Disconnect the electrical
power cord and wait five seconds before starting
maintenance to allow the capacitors to discharge.
Note: The pump may be contaminated with process
chemicals, which have been pumped during operation.
Ensure that the pump is completely decontaminated
before maintenance commences.
Take adequate precautions to protect people from the
effects of dangerous substances if contamination has
occurred. Use appropriate protective clothing, safety
goggles and protective gloves.
Wear parts have to be replaced regularly.
Never operate a defective or damaged pump.
Check every motor capacitor regularly by measuring
its capacity and estimating its time in operation. Re-
place old capacitors early enough to prevent a failure
in operation. If an old motor capacitor fails, the capaci-
tor may get hot. It may even melt or emit a flame, which
could be
dangerous for persons and equipment in
the vicinity. The capacitors have to be replaced by an