TL Audio 5051 User Manual
Page 22

stages switched out, start with the 5051 input gain at minimum and
output gain at 0dB.
2. Gradually bring up the 5051 input gain until the Drive LED illuminates
with the chosen source material - this should also generate a healthy
reading on the 5051 VU meter (when set to ‘I/P’). Then switch to meter
‘O/P’ and check that around 0VU is being produced, and adjust the
output level control if necessary.
3. Try engaging the 30dB pad and 90Hz filter switches. You should notice
that the pad greatly reduces the mic gain and the filter reduces the LF
response of the mic (try those ‘B’ and ‘P’ letter sounds as outlined in
section 4.6).
4. Now depress the Compressor ‘On’ switch, and using the compressor
controls you will need to adjust settings to suit the instrument you are
listening to. A good starting point is set the Attack and Release to ‘Fast’,
Ratio to 1:3, Knee to ‘Soft’, and Threshold to +20dB.
5. As you start turning the Threshold control clockwise towards 0dB, the
5051 meter should now register that some gain reduction is taking
place. Aim to get around a maximum 3-4dB of gain reduction occurring
as a starting point, by lowering the Threshold further if necessary. You
should also notice that increasing the Ratio setting causes more gain
reduction to occur.
6. When gain reduction is taking place, you should notice that the output
level is reduced. By switching the compressor ‘in’ and ‘out’, you can
compare the levels and the subjective sound quality of the original and
compressed signals. With the compressor active, use the Gain Make-
Up control to set the level so that when disabling the compressor, there
is no level drop. This way you can A/B the original and compressed
signals without the levels changing.
7. At this stage if you are unfamiliar with compression you should
experiment with each control to see how it affects the sound. If in doubt,
aim to use compression gently as it can be difficult to compensate for
over-compression, if you later decide that too much effect was used.
On the other hand there are no rules, so if extreme settings get you the
effect you are after, the choice is yours. Let your ears be the guide.
8. Try setting the gate so that it opens when phrases are sung or spoken
into the mic. Do this by starting at the ‘OFF’ position and raising the
threshold gradually. You should find as the threshold is raised that the
effect of the gate becomes more severe.