Autorecover – Cambex Bus Adapter User Manual
Page 16

cbxdpfar, the AutoRecover daemon, is automatically installed
and enabled when the DPF driver is installed. Control of the
daemon is done using SRC.
stopsrc -s cbxdpfar
Stops AutoRecover
startsrc -s cbxdpfar
Starts AutoRecover
AutoRecover works by periodically polling the standby paths to
each LUN. If the polls fail, the path is marked as failed. If the
polls succeed, the path is marked as available for use. If path
preferences are set up, the AutoRecover daemon will move I/O
to the preferred paths when they become available.
AutoRecover also deletes paths to hdisks that have been
removed from the system. See the section on SMIT for
changing the default AutoRecover timing parameters.