4 appendix 4.1 optimising bandwidth – TechniSat PowerLine Webcast 2 User Manual
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To remove a TechniSat PowerLine Webcast 2 from an existing network, press and hold the
encryption button on the relevant adapter for at least 3 seconds. This device receives a
new random password and is therefore excluded from your network. To reintegrate it into
another TechniSat PowerLine Webcast 2 network, follow the procedure described in 1 or
2 , depending on whether you are setting up a new network or enhancing an existing one.
To significantly improve transfer performance across the network, we recommend
observing the following connection rules:
Insert the device directly into a wall socket; do not use a multiple socket.
Other network devices connected using a multiple socket should be connected to the
mains supply network via the socket integrated into the TechniSat PowerLine Webcast
2. Always plug the multiple socket into the socket on the TechniSat PowerLine Webcast
2. This improves data transfer across the home network and makes optimum use of the
TechniSat PowerLine Webcast 2 filter function.
If additional devices need a power supply, use a separate wall socket.
4 Appendix
4.1 Optimising bandwidth