Suggestions for use of your coleman® oven – Coleman 5010 User Manual
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Suggestions for use of your Coleman® Oven
1. Center oven over the master burner of your camp
stove. On two-burner camp stoves, fold right
windbreaker in against lid. Protect your stove and
oven from the wind as much as possible.
2. Preheat the oven slowly and allow enough time for
the desired baking temperature to become stabilized.
3. Place cans or other materials, such as potatoes, in
the center position of the oven. Do not use pans larger
than 8 inches square or 8 inches in diameter. Larger
pans block circulation in the oven.
4. Varying wind conditions and outdoor temperature
may cause baking time to change from that indicated
in your recipes. Use normal kitchen testing methods to
determine when food is done.
The Coleman Company, Inc.
3600 N. Hydraulic
Wichita, KS 67219
TDD: 316-832-8707