Tactic TTX600 6-Ch SLT User Manual

Page 4

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Channel 5 offers non-proportional control of a servo, and is typically used to control
retractable landing gear. Servo movement is limited to rotating the servo’s output arm
to the end of clockwise movement, and the end of counter-clockwise movement. The
switch for channel 5 is located on the top-left of the transmitter.



the direction of rotation for the servo connected to channel 5, fi rst turn

off the Tx power switch. Then move the ch4 (rudder) trim lever to the LEFT and hold
in that position. Next, turn the Tx power switch back to the ON position which should
be followed by three audible tones and fl ashes of the Tx power LED. The rotational
direction of the ch5 servo should now be reversed. Repeat this process to again reverse
the rotational direction of ch5.


Channel 6 offers proportional control of a servo anywhere throughout the rotational
range of the servo’s output arm. This control is normally used to adjust the position of an
airplane’s fl aps. The dial for channel 6 is located above the left stick.



the direction of rotation for the servo connected to channel 6, fi rst turn

off the Tx power switch. Then move the ch4 (rudder) trim lever to the RIGHT and hold
in that position. Next, turn the Tx power switch back to the ON position which should
be followed by three audible tones and fl ashes of the Tx power LED. The rotational
direction of the ch6 servo should now be reversed. Repeat this process to again reverse

the rotational direction of ch6.


A “trim” lever is included for each of the main controls, located adjacent to the
respective stick.

The aileron, elevator, and rudder trim levers are digital in function, and always rest at
center position. Briefl y defl ecting the lever to either direction away from center will cause
the respective servo output to fi nely rotate to one direction, and will be accompanied by
an audible tone. Pressing and holding the trim lever will cause the servo output to move
repeatedly. During a fl ight, when the main sticks are released and spring back to center
position, the aircraft should ideally not veer in any direction. If the aircraft does veer in
a particular direction, click the respective trim lever until the aircraft maintains a straight
attitude on its own.

The throttle trim lever is analog in function, and can move mechanically up or down
and rest at any point in the range. Moving the throttle trim lever slightly up or down will
fi nely adjust the engine or motor at low speeds. For safety reasons, it’s a good idea
to use throttle trim when controlling the engine/motor at very low speed while on the
ground. For aircraft with glow engines, the precise position of the trim lever is helpful
when determining the engine’s preferred idle point. The throttle trim lever is not active
when the main throttle stick is above the center point.


Four reversing switches are built into the Tx, one for each main channel. Each switch can
reverse the rotational direction of the servo that is connected to the respective channel.