Trainer function, Elevon & v-tail mixing functions – Tactic TTX404 4-Ch SLT User Manual
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The TTX404 Tx includes a built-in
trainer function – no trainer cable
required! This trainer system connects a teacher’s Tactic Tx to a student’s Tactic Tx
by wireless connection. Tactic’s wireless trainer function is not compatible with
trainer systems in any other brand radios.
IMPORTANT! Before attempting to fl y the airplane, it’s very important
to make sure all reversing switches and trim lever adjustments on the
student’s Tx match the settings on the teacher’s Tx! Otherwise, the
airplane could suddenly veer off in an unwanted manner when the
teacher’s trainer switch is pressed. Proper matching of the student and teacher’s
Tx settings should ensure that no unexpected movements occur when the trainer
switch is pressed. This is especially true of the throttle control!
1. The Tx that was used to setup the controls on the aircraft must be used by
2. The student must use a separate Tactic Tx with wireless trainer function.
3. Place the teacher and student’s transmitters within 1 meter of each other,
and make sure the throttle stick for each Tx is set to idle.
4. Turn ON the power switch for the Tx being held by the student.
5. Pull and hold the trainer switch on the teacher’s Tx, and then turn ON the
teacher’s Tx power switch.
6. The LED on the teacher’s Tx will fl ash 3 times to indicate it has become
bound with the student’s Tx.
7. The teacher can then release his trainer switch.
8. Once both transmitters are bound together, power can be applied to the
receiver to prepare for fl ight.
When the training session has ended, with the model on the ground and all power
removed from the model, place both transmitters within 1 meter of each other and
simply turn the power switch for both transmitters to the OFF position. This will
terminate the wireless link between both transmitters. If additional training will be
performed again, return to step 1 above to re-establish the wireless link between
the teacher and student’s transmitters.
The TTX404 includes elevon and V-tail mixing functions, which can be turned on or
off. “Elevon” control consists of a mixture between the elevator and aileron channels,
and is useful for certain types of aircraft (such as a fl ying wing). “V-tail” control consists
of a mixture between the elevator and rudder channels and is useful for aircraft which
have a V-tail. The default setting for all mixing will be “off”. To change the mix setting: