Filter – Studio Electronics ATC-1X User Manual

Page 13

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The ATC-X with its unique interchangeable filter system features four
classic wide range lowpass filters, and in the case of the MINI and
2600, "resonant" filters (see VOICE ARCHITECHURE). The Filter
attenuates, or "cuts- off" the higher frequency components––those
which lie above the adjustable cutoff frequency, and passes the lower
frequency components of the audio signal. The (cutoff) freq uenc y

fr eq uenc y

control sets this cutoff freq uenc y

fr eq uenc y; the lower the value of the (cutoff)

frequency control, the less harmonic content the waveform contains
after passing through the filter. The wave shape is rounded and
smoothed as the cutoff frequency is lowered.

What the Switch pads do:

Selects the filter (cutoff) frequency. In simpler terms, the
filter frequency is like an overall tone control; as the value is increased from 0

0 --

12 7

12 7, the higher the frequencies are which pass through the filter; thus, the
brighter the sound.

Selects the filter resonance. The resonance emphasizes the cutoff frequency
region and makes the presence of harmonics more apparent. The MINI and 2600
filters will begin to self-oscillate, and may be used as a separate tone source,
when the resonance value passes 100.


Selects the filter tracking amount. Filter tracking applies keyboard control voltage
to the filter. As more tracking is used, the brighter the sound will get as you
ascend the keyboard.

Selects the inverting of envelopes 1 (filter) and/or 3 (assignable). When an
envelope is inverted, the attack & decay controls are reversed and the sustain
value inverts. The Filter envelope is inverted when the display reads 1

1, Envelope

3 is inverted when the display reads 3

3; both Envelope 1 and 3 are inverted when

the display reads 1

1 --3

3. Pushing the type/inv

t ype/inv button puts the ATC-X in filter

selection mode. Rotate the encoder knob to select the desired filter type for the
VCF section

(Quad Filter System models only).

Selects Envelope 1 amount. The pattern of the filter envelope contouring is
determined by the envelope controls: attack, decay, sustain, and release. The
amount or depth of the envelope contouring is determined by this parameter.

Selects Envelope 3 amount. This is the amount of contour or depth of the
envelope as it is applied to the selected target (see page 11).