Snazzy FX CHAOS BROTHER User Manual
Page 19

you can expand on this further by multing the rumble chaos signal into an
envelope follower (The snazzyfx wow and flutter module has a built in envelope
follower.... simply plug in your signal into the wows input then use the "env out
"jack as a new CV source!!
have the envelope follower cv control the cut off of a filter! !
this patch is more of an experimental technique but it should get you in the mode
of trying anything!
patch a drumbeat or loop from a DAW using silent way (for proper levels) OR
boost a daw signal to euro levels with an interface module.!
now using a mult/stack cable patch that signal into the CV input of the chaos
brother AND into the FM input of a resonant filter. use a step sequencer or vclfo
to create a little timed sawtooth wave melody can have the "clock" of the
sequenced melody coming from the gate out of the chaos brother using a stack
patch the out of the filter into a VCA.!
get an ADSR ready. take the gate out of the chaos brother and plug it into the
ADSR gate input.!
plug the output of the VCA into the snazzyfx wow and flutter and mix in some
delay with wet / dry.!
now take the Y out of the chaos brother and patch it into the delay CV input jack
of the well and flutter. turn up the depth control to Adjust delay time CV. take the
X output of the chaos brother and patch it into your sawtooth vco expo in. adjust
cv expo depth to taste.!
for more weirdness:!
if you boost the drum beat/loop loud enough you could mix the X out of the
chaos brother in with the sawtooth audio , using a mixer before the filter!!!