SmarTek Systems SAS-1 Communication Via Internet User Manual

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SmarTek Systems (


For the SAS-1 Message Format, the following applies:

PPP is the message position in the SAS-1 FIFO buffer, LL is the lane number, VVV is the total
vehicle volume or count, UUU is the commercial truck count, WWW is the tractor-trailer count,
OOO is lane occupancy in percent, SSSS is average speed in mph. Spaces (ASCII Chr (32)) in the
format are designated as while and represent carriage return (ASCII Chr(13)) and
line feed (ASCII Chr(10)) respectively. Chr (2) and Chr(3) are the start of message and end of
message characters. Note that this entire message is ASCII. PPP indicates whether the message is
current (PPP=1), or old and should be dropped (PPP=0), or behind (PPP>1). If the “Poller” is
behind, the SAS-1 should be immediately repolled (and the message kept) until PPP=1.

For the Cabinet Watchdog Voltage Monitor Message Format, the following applies: is the analog voltage measurement (volts) at pin AI1 on J2,
bb.bbb is the analog voltage measurement (volts) at pin AI2 on J2,
cc.ccc is the analog voltage measurement (volts) at pin AI3 on J2,
dd.ddd is the analog voltage measurement (volts) at pin AI4 on J2,
e is the state of the isolated input at pins AK2, KA2 on J4 (e=0 or 1),
f is the state of the isolated input at pins AK1, KA1 on J4 (f=0 or 1),
g is the state of the TTL input at pins 11, 12 on J3 (g=0 or 1),
h is the state of the TTL input at pins 9, 10 on J3 (h=0 or 1),
i is the state of the TTL input at pins 7, 8 on J3 (i=0 or 1),
j is the state of the TTL input at pins 5, 6 on J3 (j=0 or 1),
k is the state of the TTL input at pins 3, 4 on J3 (k=0 or 1),
l is the state of the TTL input at pins 1, 2 on J3 (l=0 or 1)