SmarTek Systems SAS-1 Based Truck Roll Over Warning System User Manual

Page 5

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Length Threshold for Commercial Trucks in Feet – This parameter is adjusted to set the
vehicle length threshold for commercial trucks. Only tractor trailers with a speed above the
Alert Speed Threshold will cause the warning sign to turn on or flash, however, commercial
trucks and all other smaller vehicles are also logged in the Event Archive.

Using the ATRWS Communication Window to Get and Set Parameters

The end user may change the ATRWS Alert Parameters using the ATRWS Communication
Window. Care must be taken however, to not unintentionally change the ATRWS Zone

Once connected to a specific ATRWS site cabinet (T-BOX) via direct RS-232,

dial up modem, or some other link it is extremely important to first issue a Get Parameters
command to the T-BOX.

This ensures that the ATRWS Communication Window (in SAS

Monitor) is updated with current parameters from that site. Changing any of the ATRWS
parameters will impact the operation and performance of the system. Particularly, changing the
Zone Separation will change the speed estimation performance. To change any of the Alert

1) Left click the Get Parameters Button.
2) Modify one or more Alert Parameters by left clicking in the upper/lower
parameter value field to increment/decrement the value.
3) After changing the alert parameters, left click the Send Parameters Button.
4) T-BOX Time may be retrieved or set by left clicking the Get Time or Set

Note that setting T-BOX Time (Set Time Button) will reset the

Event Archive in the T-BOX. Any event data previously logged will be lost.

Using the ATRWS Communication Window to Get and Decode the Event Archive File

The T-BOX at the site cabinet always maintains an Event Archive. To retrive the Event
Archive from the T-BOX, left click the Get Archive Button in the ATRWS Communication
Window. The status of the retrival process is shown in the SAS Monitor Status Line in the
lower left part of the SAS Monitor Main Display window. The retrival process may take several
minutes depending on the link baud rate.

One the Event Archive File has been retrieved, it is placed in the “arch_data” sub-folder under
the SAS Monitor and Setup application folder. The ATRWS Event Archive file (.ahx) is
prefixed with a date and time stamp before it is placed in the “arch_data” sub-folder. The
naming format has the following form:


Where “filename” has up to 8 characters and is setup in the T-BOX for a specific site.

To select and decode one or more Event Archive files (.ahx), click on the Decode Event
Archive File
option in the File menu. Highlight a file or files in the standard Windows File
Open Dialog Window and click the OK Button. The decode processing status is shown in the