Richell How to Adjust Locking Pin on the Convertible Elite Door Panel User Manual
Richell For Home

How to Adjust Locking Pin on the Convertible Elite Door Panel
Following assembly of the Convertible Elite Pet Gate, if the Gate Door fails to lock properly, the Locking Pin may need to be adjusted.
Please follow the steps below to adjust the Screw located underneath the Locking Pin as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
The adjusting Screw is located
Using a phillips screwdriver,
Screw loosened correctly.
underneath the Locking Pin as
loosen the Screw as shown in
Figure 1.
shown above.
Figure 4. but do not remove
Locking Pin shown above
it completely.
does not lock properly.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Determine which direction the Screw
Tighten the Screw securely in place.
needs to be adjusted by sliding it
using a phillips screwdriver. This will
cause the Locking Pin to adjust itself
to locking properly when the Gate
Door is closed.
"Locking Pin/Screw"
The Gate Door should now lock properly.
Figure 4.