How to quickly set up email, How to view the capacity of sd card case, How to save electricity – PiPO KS808 User Manual

Page 26: How to lock screen, to prevent others from using

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it can help you achieve, automatic end of the program services, to switch between
programs, display memory information, exclusion list, an end of all widgets, fast
uninstall program and other functions, To free up memory space, reducing the
CPU's operation long pressure, increase speed, to extend the purpose of standby


2. How to quickly set up Email

In the Android system, you can automatically set the POP3 or IMAP e-mail most
accounts, the e-mail application, directly enter the e-mail address and password, if
not automatically fit in the mailbox, the mailbox will be required by user Server
information. See details in front of the "E-mail Features"section.

3. How to view the capacity of SD card case

Select the "Settings"-Select Storage -select "SD card and phone memory", you

will see the current SD card capacity information phone

4. How to save electricity

First, reduce the screen brightness can be used in peacetime by reducing the

brightness to reduce battery consumption, in the "Settings " in the "sound and
display" found on "brightness", and then sliding scale in respect of the brightness
can be set Android phones;
Close GPS global positioning, in the "Settings"and select" location services"
-uncheck the following "Enable GPS satellite set" can be;
Usually if you do not use the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth headset can be improved by turning
off these options to the standby time, turn off the WLAN search can save about
30% to 40% of standby time;
Usually close calls and text messages to remind vibration;

5. How to lock screen and prevent others from using

In the "Settings", select " Security "and then select "screen lock""pattern", to

set individual unlock pattern, to prevent strangers use or purpose of ensuring
privacy of confidential documents.