Chimera F2X User Manual

Page 3

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Position all the bottom perimeter tubes first.

Cross Brace Assembly (10x20’ and 10x30’ only)

Layout a corner with a bottom long side tube, an assembled bottom end cross tube, one upright and an
end cap.

As you assemble, the threaded studs will all be pointing in the same direction.

Repeat this for the opposite side.

Next, assemble the bottom tubes of the next bay, with the upright tubes between the bays.

Now go back and finish the top tube sections of the first bay.

Continue this procedure throughout the remaining bays.

Bracing Tubes

The upright tubes that support the bracing cross tubes have Velcro


strips on the top end. When laying

these out, position the uprights so when lifted into position, the Velcro


is on the inside.

To assemble the bracing cross tubes:

1. attach a Velcro


tube cross brace bracket on an upright on one side

2. insert bracing cross tube into its receptacle.
3. put opposite receiver onto the cross tube.
4. position the Velcro


receiver unit on opposite side upright tube and slide this upward to produce

tight fit. Securely wrap with the Velcro



Finishing Frame

When the frame is completely assembled, check squareness - nudge as needed to help straighten. This
can be done by eye.

Now position the entire frame up on supports - off ground - on short stands, apple boxes, etc.

Attach web strap supports as per drawing details.

1. strap clips are positioned to inside (so they don’t rub against cover).
2. adjust until taut - not overly tight.

Attach all lights and wiring with cables over top edge and hang down the sides.

Test lights before proceeding. It is suggested that you have an electrician check your electricity
requirements. Check grounding carefully and make sure that the total light amperage is appropriate for
the circuit breaker ratings.

Attach the inner baffle - clip to frame as per the drawing detail. First attach to diagonal corners and then
the opposite diagonals and pull the fabric taut.