Uussiin ng g yyo ou urr ssyysstte em m – CLIFFORD Model RSX3.5 User Manual
Page 20

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Illumination On/Off
Within five seconds of entering Programming Mode, press
The remote will beep once for on, twice for off and the light will
turn on/off with each press.
Page Mode On/Off
After entering Programming Mode, press
within five
seconds to toggle on and off. When the Page Mode is on, the
remote control will wake up periodically to check for messages
from the security module. It will also wake up when any button
is pushed. When Page Mode is off, the remote control “sleeps”
until a button is pushed, extending the life of the battery.
To Exit Programming Mode
To exit Programming Mode, take no action for five seconds. The
remote control will generate two beeps to indicate programming
mode has been exited.
g yyo
urr ssyysstte
warning! safety first
The following safety warnings must be observed at all times:
Due to the complexity of this system, installation of this
product must only be performed by an authorized Directed
When properly installed, this system can start the vehicle via
a command signal from the remote control transmitter.
Therefore, never operate the system in an enclosed area or