O.S. Engines FT-300 Gemini User Manual
Page 9

Make sure that glowplugs are not connected to the battery.
Do not heat the glowplugs while priming. (Fig.15).
Do not connect the battery to
the glowplugs while priming.
Open the throttle valve fully, close the choke valve and turn
the propeller counter-clockwise through three revolutions.
(Fig.16 & 17)
Open the throttle fully.
Close the choke valve.
Turn 3 revolutions.
If very strong compression is felt when trying to turn the
propeller counter-clockwise, too much fuel has been drawn
into the engine. In this case, do not use force, but release
the choke valve and turn the propeller clockwise slowly to
eject excess fuel through exhaust pipes.
Do not apply the starter with the choke closed.
Warning! Never close the choke valve when applying the
starter. Such an action will cause an excess quantity of fuel
to be drawn into the cylinder and result in hydraulic lock that
may damage the engine. (Fig.18)
Excess fuel in the carburetor may drip into the engine
compartment when the choke valve is reopened. Therefore,
it is advisable to drill a drain hole in the bottom of the engine
bay or cowling and to apply fuelproof paint to the
surrounding surfaces to prevent fuel from penetrating the
airframe structure.
Release the choke
control and immediately
turn the propeller
c o u n t e r - c l o c k w i s e
several times so that fuel
is drawn well into the
cylinders (Fig.19).
Set the throttle valve
approximately 1/4 open from
the fully closed position.
Fully open
Fully closed
Set at this position
Starting with an electric
starter (Fig.21)
Make sure that the direction of rotation of the starter is
Connect the glowplug battery.
Apply the electric starter.
Connect the battery to the glowplug.
Electric starter
Make sure that the direction
or rotation is correct.
When the engine starts,
open the throttle valve fully
and keep it running initially
(approx. 10 seconds), with
original needle-valve setting.
Open the throttle fully.
Make sure that all two cylinders are firing
The engine is running properly if white smoke is emitted
through all four exhaust pipes. A slight spray of fuel will be
discharged through the exhaust pipe or any cylinder that is
not firing.
If a cylinder ceases firing, reduce the throttle setting to
approximately 1/4 open from the fully closed position and
re-connect the glowplug battery. Revolutions will increase
when all cylinders are firing steadily.
A slight spray of fuel may be emitted through the exhaust
pipe if a cylinder is not firing.
Now disconnect the glowplug battery.