Adjustment – O.S. Engines 55HZ-R User Manual

Page 16

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Please observe the following before beginning to
make any adjustment.

The general course of adjustment procedure is
shown in the ADJUSTING CHART and is correct
for a fuel containing 20% lubricant and 15-30%

Bear in mind that fuels containing relatively large
percentages of power-boosting nitromethane operate
at richer mixture settings than are needed for mild
fuels and will, therefore, require the High-Speed
Needle Valve to be readjusted accordingly. The type
and percentage of lubricant used is also a factor
here, as noted later in these instructions.

This carburetor is not equipped with a throttle
stop screw. Instead, idle speed is adjusted by
means of the throttle trim lever on the trans-

High-Speed Needle Valve. Turn this approximately
30 degrees (3 to 4 clicks) at a time, when making
initial adjustments; then in steps of approximately
15 degrees (1 to 2 clicks) when making final

Medium-Speed Needle Valve. Turn approximately
30 degrees (3 to 4 clicks) at a time.

Idle Mixture Control Screw. Turn approximately 5
degrees at a time. It turns approximately 90
degrees both sides from the center. Turn left to
enrich the idle mixture and turn right to lean the idle


As a safety measure, first check the transmitter
controls, including the throttle stick and trim lever
positions, and hold the main rotor securely before
starting the engine.

Warm the engine by allowing it to idle for about 30
seconds. If the engine stops, advance the throttle
trim lever slightly to increase the idle rpm.
Then open the throttle sufficiently to 'float' the
model above the ground. lf, at this time, the
engine is slow to pick up and produces an excess
of exhaust smoke, the mixture is too rich.
Correct this condition by turning the Mixture
Control Screw clockwise 5 degrees. lf the mixture
is extremely rich, engine rpm will become
unstable: opening the throttle will produce a great
deal of smoke and rpm may drop suddenly or the
engine may stop.



This condition may also be initiated by an excessively
prolonged warming-up period. lf, on the other hand,
the mixture is too Iean, this wiIl be indicated by a
marked lack of exhaust smoke and a tendency for the
engine to cut out when the throttle is opened. ln this
case, turn the Mixture Control Screw counter-
clockwise 5 degrees to enrich the mixture.