O.S. Engines 50SX-H User Manual

Page 18

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Hover the model and actuate the throttle to
observe response over the medium speed range.
lf the engine smokes excessiveIy and throttle
response is poor, the mixture is too rich ; in which
case, land the model and turn the Needle Valve
clockwise. Do not close the NeedIe Valve too
much, keeping it a little on the rich side at this

lf, on the other hand, hovering is not stable and
response to the throttIe is over-sensitive, or if the
engine tends to overheat, this indicates that the
mixture is too lean and should be corrected by
turning the Needle Valve counter-clockwise.

When satisfactory hovering flight has been
achieved, land the modeI again and re-check the
engine's idlling qualities.

After about 10 seconds of idling, open the throttle
to 'float' the model. lf the transition is smooth, the
idle mixture is O.K. If the symptoms of either rich
or Iean running are observed, readjust the Mixture
Control Screw accordingly.

Now adjust the Needle Valve to achieve the best
performance when the model is flying at full
throttle. lf, at full throttle, acceleration is poor, the





exhaust unduly smoky and the model fails to reach
expected straight line speed, the mixture is too rich
and the Needle Valve setting will need to be
reduced. lf, however, after smoothly acceIerating
to satisfactory high-speed straight and level flight,
power is lost when the model is puIled up into a
climb, the mixture is too lean. ln this case, land the
model immediately and readjust Needle Valve to a
richer setting.

Now re-check hovering performance and, if
necessary, fine-tune the mixture for hovering flight.

For helicopters, good throttle response at medium
r.p.m. (e.g.hovering speeds) is most important,
since this is a power range widely used in
helicopter flight. The optimum fuel / air mixture
strength at medium speeds is dependent on
obtaining balanced adjustment of both the Needle
Valve and the Mixture Controlof both the Needle
Valve and the Mixture Control Valve. lf both
controls are already at their optimum setting, some
modification to these settings may be necessary to
achieve satisfactory mid-range throttle response,
but such readjustments should onIy be made
within the range where idling reliability and high-
speed performance are not unduly compromised.