Mytek Digital Stereo 96 ADC (VER.7/sep 2010) User Manual
Page 16

“Optimal Noise Shaping and Dither of Digital Signals”
Preprint Number: 2822 Convention: 87 1989-10
Author: Michael Gerzon
Author: Peter G. Craven
This paper discusses optimizing noise shaping, with or without dither, using
filtered error-feedback round a quantizer.
“Psychoacoustically Optimal Noise Shaping”
Preprint Number: 2965 Convention: 89 1990-09
AES Journal Vol:Issue: 40:7/8 Page: 611 Year: 1992
Author: Robert A. Wannamaker
This paper examines the design of psycho-acoustically optimal noise shaping
filters for requantization in non-oversampling digital audio applications.