The ideology – Mariner Software Persona for Windows User Manual
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Persona for Windows User Guide
The Ideology
Mariner Persona is about categorizing characters. There are eight Hero archetypes, eight Heroines, eight Villains, and eight Villainesses. Each
archetype has two styles. While categorizing anything might be a superficial activity, it has merit in that it helps you determine the background and
therefore motivations of your character. Rather than constantly changing your character during your writing, starting with clear ideas about who
your characters are and what they stand for will make the situational writing involving them much easier. For instance, If we know that a kid named
Bruce was raised in a wealthy family and saw his parents murdered, and vows to secretly uphold justice and train mentally and physically to do so -
we could then have a good idea how he'll act.
Often the styles for an archetype are based on whether the personality and values came from Birth right (or lack thereof) or personal effort.