Kuzma AIR LINE 100401 User Manual
Page 5

3.0. Setup description:
Do not slide the tonearm bearing unnecessarily without compressed air!
Do not tilt the compressor while it contains oil! For transport check page 15!
Do not rotate VTA knob when the lever is in the lock position!
Check working cycle of the compressor!
3.1. Tonearm:
Mount the armbase onto armboard. The dimension and position is the same as for Stogi
tonearms but the main cutout hole is bigger. It is called the Kuzma cutout- that means that
central hole has 40 mm in diameter. Three screws will fix the armbase from the top through
the armboard into the black metal ring. On Stabi XL it is fixed directly on to the XL’s brass
arm base.
With the Allen key, firmly secure armbase. Position it in such way, that the hole for fixing
tonearm height (rough VTA) is easily accessible during mounting. The usual direction is
away from the platter.
Lift the tonearm from box, taking care of wires and tube loop, as well as tonearm cable.
Then fix the tonearm gently into the armbase with Allen key 2mm. The tonearm should be
rotated in such a position that the headshell is outside of the platter, i.e. as in the rest position
off the record. The height of the tonearm in the armbase should be such that the centre of the
main stainless steel bearing shaft is at the approximate height of an LP.
Unscrew the small black ring under the tonearm. It will slide down to the armbase. Fix it
gently. If you now unlock the tonearm in the armbase, this ring will hold the tonearm at the
same height but it can still be rotated horizontally. This is important when adjusting tonearm
Check that the scale for VTA, in front of the main base, is in the middle position with the
edge in line with the thicker mark. This means that the actual VTA can be precisely adjusted
plus/minus 5 mm. If this is not the case, move the locking rod lever away from the lock
position, in a similar way to lowering a cueing device. Now by rotating the VTA knob bring
the position of the base to the middle part of the scale. Lock back gently.
3.2. Air supply description:
The compressor is factory set for working pressure. Position it in a suitable place with mains
Position silver filters vertically on the floor or other suitable place near the tonearm. Check
the arrows for air flow, which should be from the compressor to silver filters and then to
Choose the shorter piece of PVC tube that runs from the tonearm to the silver filters( see
silver arrows marked F. Connect PVC tube. All connections are 'quick fit'. Simply push in the
tube at the filter and at the tonearm. It seals automatically.
When removing the tube, you must first push in the blue (or black) plastic collar and at the
same time pull out the tube. This is much easier done when there is no compressed air inside
the tube.
The longer piece of tubing connects the compressor output and silver filters input. It is a hard
but flexible tube and it can be hidden behind your skirting board. Permanent walking or
placement of furniture on top of it, however, will break it.