KERO Bench Seat for PakCanoes User Manual

Bench seat for pakcanoes installation instructions

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Bench Seat for PakCanoes

Installation Instructions

May, 2007

A. Preparing for first time use.

Please read this section before you start installing the seats.

Before the seats can be used, some of the cross ribs must be outfitted with plastic rings as shown on the
pictures. For the bow seat, you need rib #3 and #4, counting from the bow. For the stern seat, you need
rib #2 and #3, counting from the stern.

You will need the enclosed plastic rings and stainless steel pop
rivets. You will also need an electric drill, 1/8 inch drill bit, and a
pop rivet tool, and a screw driver.


Use a 1/8 inch drill bit to drill out pop rivets holding the C-clips

at the top of the cross ribs, and remove the piece of pop rivet from
the plastic part to make room for the new rivet. Add 4 plastic rings
to each side of rib #2 and #3. Remove the thwart by drilling out
pop rivets and add 3 plastic rings to rib #4.


Measure and mark a spot 9 inches down

from the top of rib #2 (both sides). On rib(s)
#3, mark a spot 8 inches down, and on rib
#4, mark 7 inches down.


Place the lower end of the bottom plastic ring on the mark, drill through the

plastic and aluminum rib and set a pop rivet. Repeat on the opposite side (of the
boat), flip the rib over and repeat the procedure so that the bottom plastic rings
are secured with two pop rivets. Do this on all the ribs you added plastic rings to.


On ribs #2 and #3, reinstall locking C-clips, making sure the rivets go into the

existing holes in both aluminum and plastic. This will ensure proper alignment of
the clip.


On rib #4, reinstall locking C-clips and move thwart up to within 1/8 inch of

the C-clip.