Comcast M1067BX3 User Manual

Overview, Installing batteries, Features and functions

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The Comcast Custom DVR 3-Device

universal remote will control up to

three home entertainment devices,

including a Digital Video Recorder

enabled Cable Box (used by Comcast

The remote control requires installing

two (2) new AA batteries (included)

and some easy programming to con-

trol your devices. For best results,

please read and perform all instruc-

tions listed here. Also, keep this guide

for future reference.

installing Batteries

1. Pull back the remote control’s

battery cover and remove it.


Insert the two (2) supplied AA

batteries according to the + and

- marks in the battery case.

3. Push the battery cover back into


4. Test the unit by pressing any

mode key (i.e., aUX, tv, or


If batteries are inserted correctly,

the selected mode key will light.

NOTE: When batteries need replacement,

the remote control will stop operating.

Replace the old batteries and the unit will

be restored to its full functionality, complete

with your favorite settings.

FeatUres and


Use the remote control’s mode keys

(i.e., aUX, tv, or Cable) to control

a specific device. When pressed, the

selected mode key will light, confirm-

ing your choice. Use the other keys to

perform desired actions (see the fol-

lowing key chart).

NOTE: The selected mode will remain

active until you press another mode key.

Press aUX, tv, or

Cable once to select

and control a device.

Press Power once to
turn on or off the

selected home enter-

tainment device.

Use setup for all



Press all On once to

turn on or off all

programmed devices

in this order: Cable,

tv, and aUX. After

all devices are on,

Cable is the active


Press On deMand

once to access

Comcast’s ON

DEMAND menu (not

available in all areas).

In the aUX or tv

mode, use the trans-

port keys to control a


player. To record a

program on a VCR,

press reC twice.

In the Cable mode,

use the keys to control



Press rePlaY to

replay the previous

few seconds of a pro


Press My dvr to

show a list of prog

rams that have been


Press LIVE to return

to watching live TV.

Use A, B, or C to

access interactive

functionality on your

cable box.

Use Page+ (or Page–)

to page up (or down)

through menu screens

and the interactive

program guide.

Use Guide to display

the interactive

program guide.

Use these keys to

move the cursor in

the interactive pro-

gram guide and menu


Use OK (select) to

select menu options,

PPV events, and

programs from the

interactive program


Use info to display

current channel and

program information.

Use Menu to display

the Quick Menu (on a

Motorola Cable Box),

or to access settings

(on a Scientific

Atlanta Explorer,

Pioneer Voyager, or

PACE cable box).

Use exit to exit the

menu or guide.

Use Help to access

digital cable help.

Use last to recall the

last channel or go back

one screen in the menu.

Use vOl+ (or vOl-)

to raise (or lower) the

sound volume. Also

see Changing Volume


Press Mute once to

turn sound off or on.

In the Cable mode,

press Fav once to

display programmed

favorite cable channels.

Use CH+ (or CH-) to

select the next higher

(or lower) channel.

When controlling a

DVD player, use CH+

(or CH-) to skip

forward (or skip

reverse) through


Use the keypad (0 ~

9)to directly select the

channels (e.g., 09 or


In the tv mode, use

this key to switch the

TV’s input to view TV

or video programs.

In the aUX mode,

use this key to switch

the VCR, PVR (or

DVR), or DVD player

to view TV or video.

For an audio device,

use it to switch to an

input source.


to change the aspect

Ration on HD


Use the PIP Function

keys to operate the

PIP functionality of

your converter and

TV (If Available)

PrOgraMMing deviCe


The Comcast Custom 3-Device univer-

sal remote control is preprogrammed

at the factory to operate the Cable Box

supplied by your Comcast system, an

RCA TV, and an RCA VCR (in the aUX

mode). To control devices other than

default brands (excluding the Cable

Box), perform the below steps; other-

wise skip this section:
1. Turn on a device (e.g., VCR or

DVD Player) and, if applicable,

insert media, (e.g., video cassette or


NOTE: Please read steps 2 to 6 com-

pletely before proceeding. Highlight or

write down the codes and device you

wish to program before moving on to

step 2.

2. On the remote control, press a

device key once (i.e., aUX or tv).

NOTE: Use the


key to program

control of an Audio Amplifier or

Receiver, a DVD Player, a Home-

Theater-In-A-Box Device, a PVR (or

DVR), or a VCR.

3. Press and hold setup until the

selected mode key blinks twice,

then release setup.

4. Locate the code for your device

in Manufacturer’s Codes on the

back of this user guide. Brands are

listed in alphabetical order with

the most popular codes listed


5. Enter the first five-digit code for

your device. If you perform this

procedure correctly, the selected

mode key will blink twice.

NOTE: If you enter an invalid code,

the selected mode key will display one

long blink and exit the programming

mode. Repeat steps 2 to 5 with a valid


6. Aim the remote control at your

device and press Power once.

The device should turn off. If it

does not respond, repeat steps 2

to 6, trying each code listed for

your brand until you find one

that works. If it still does not

work, try Searching For Your


NOTE: If the device does not have a


key, press the



) key.

7. For future reference, write your

device code in the appropriate

boxes below:

aUX Code:

Device Type:______________

tv Code:

8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for another

device you want to control.

searCHing FOr YOUr COde

If your home entertainment device does

not respond to the remote control after

trying all of the codes listed for your

brand, or if your brand is not listed at

all, try searching for your code.
For example, after trying all of the

codes for your TV, you still cannot get

the remote control to operate your TV,

1. Turn on your TV.
2. On the remote control, press tv

once. Then press and hold setup

until the tv key blinks twice,

then release setup.

3. Enter 9 - 9 - 1- 1. The tv key will

blink twice.

Note: Substitute 1 with 0 if

searching for a Cable code, 2 if

searching for a DVD, VCR or

PVR and 3 if searching for an

Audio device

4. Press Power and aim the remote

control at the TV and press CH +

one or more times until the TV

turns off.

NOTE: In the search mode, the

remote control will send IR codes

from its library to the selected device,

starting with the most popular code


5. Press setup once to lock in the

code.The tv key will blink twice.

6. To search for the codes of another

device, repeat steps 1 to 5, but

substitute the aUX key for the

auxiliary device you are searching


CHeCKing tHe COdes

If you have set up the remote control

using the Searching For Your Code

procedure, you may need to find out

which five-digit code is operating your

equipment. Perform the following steps

after setting up your devices to find

out which five-digit code operates your

equipment. For example, to find out

which code is operating your TV:
1. Turn on your TV.
2. On the remote control, press tv

once. Then press and hold setup

until the tv key blinks twice,

then release setup.

3. Enter 9 - 9 - 0. The tv key will

blink twice.

4. To view the code for the first

digit, press 1 once. Wait 3 sec-

onds and count the number of

times the TV key blinks (e.g., 3

blinks =3) and write down the

number in the left most TV Code

box (at end of this section).

NOTE: If a code digit is “0”, the

selected mode key will not blink.

5. Repeat step 4 four more times for

the remaining digits. Use 2 for the

second digit, 3 for the third digit,

4 for the fourth digit and 5 for the

fifth digit. Finish writing down the

code in the TV Code boxes (at end

of this section).

6. To check another device code,

repeat steps 1 to 5, but substitute

the aUX key for the auxiliary

device you are checking. Write

down the codes in the appropri-

ate boxes below:

aUX Code:

Device Type:______________
tv Code:

CHanging vOlUMe lOCK

The Comcast Custom 3-Device univer-

sal remote control is set at the factory

to control the TV volume in all modes.
However, you may change the Volume

Lock setting to Individual Volume

Unlock to unlock a specific device’s

volume controls for independent

operation in its own mode (e.g., Audio

Receiver volume controls in the aUX

Or, if desired, you can perform Global

Volume Unlock so that the volume

controls of all devices can be indepen-

dently operated in their own modes.

Unlocking volume Control For a

single device (individual volume


1. Press a desired mode key where

you want volume to be unlocked

(e.g., aUX) and controlled within

its own mode.

2. Press and hold setup until the

selected mode key blinks twice,

then release setup.

3. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 and then press

vOl- once. The mode key will

blink four times confirming


4. If desired, repeat steps 1 to 3 (of

this section) for each device that

you want volume to be unlocked.

5. Now, after you select a device that

has volume unlocked (e.g., aUX),

pressing vOl+, vOl-, or Mute,

will control the device’s volume

only in its own mode.

Unlocking all volume Controls

(global volume Unlock):

1. Press and hold setup until the

selected mode key blinks twice,

then release setup.

2. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 and then press

vOl+ once. The mode key will

blink four times confirming


3. Now, volume controls for all

devices can be independently

controlled in their own modes.

locking volume Control to tv

or aUX Mode:

1. Press and hold setUP until

the Red light flashes twice, then

release setUP.

2. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 (Red light will

flash twice).

3. Press and release either tv or

aUX (Red light for selected

device will flash twice).

reassigning deviCe KeYs

With the Comcast DVR remote, you

can easily decide what device you want

to add under the AUX mode.
For example, to have the unit control

a TV, a Cable Box, and second TV all

you need to do is enter in the TV code

as follows:
1. On the remote control, press aUX

once. Then press and hold setup

until the aUX key blinks twice,

then release setup.

2. Enter 1-0-0-4-7
3. The aUX key is now ready to be

programmed for your second

TV. See Programming Device

Control for instructions.

PrOgraMMing CHannel

COntrOl lOCK

By default, the remote control’s chan-

nel-control capabilities are locked to

the Cable Box. The affected keys are 0

~ 9, CH+, CH-, enter, and last.
This will guarantee that you do not

inadvertently change a channel while

in the TV mode. However, you can

turn off this feature to allow full access

to these keys in the tv and Cable


NOTE: This feature does not affect the



de-activating Channel Control


1. On the remote control, press

Cable once. Then press and hold

setup until the Cable key blinks

twice, then release setup.

2. Enter 9 - 7 - 3. Press CH- once.

The Cable key will blink four


3. Now, the remote control will

provide TV or cable channel

control capabilities while in the

tv or Cable mode.

re-activating Channel Control


1. On the remote control, press

Cable once. Then press and hold

setup until the Cable key blinks

twice, then release setup.

2. Enter 9 - 7 - 3. Press CH+ once.

The Cable key will blink twice.

3. Now, regardless if you select

the tv or Cable mode, only the

channel control capability of your

cable box will be accessible.


PROBLEM: A mode key does not

blink when you press a


SOLUTION: Replace the batteries

with two (2) new AA bat


PROBLEM: During programming, a

mode key displays one

long blink.

SOLUTION: An invalid entry has

occurred. Check the key

to be entered and try

programming again.

PROBLEM: A mode key blinks

when you press a key,

but home entertainment

component does not


SOLUTION: Make sure the remote

control is aimed at your

home entertainment

device and is not farther

than 15-feet away.

PROBLEM: The remote control does

not control home enter-

tainment devices or the

commands are not work-

ing properly.

SOLUTION: Try all listed codes for

the device brands being

set up. Make sure they

can be operated with an

infrared remote control.


Comcast Custom dvr

3 device

User guide

M1067BX3.indd 1

3/28/2007 8:10:20 AM