CBC ZR-DH921NP User Manual
Page 22

3. 1. 3 Video Format
The DVR can support both NTSC and PAL
formats. This setting can be changed
through the Video Format menu.
To change the format select either NTSC or
PAL and press the MENU button. The
system will restart in the chosen format.
3. 2 Recording Setup
The DVR can record according to schedule
set by the user. It can also record manually
regardless of date and time. This is called
Manual Recording.
The recording can be made either
continuously or triggered by events (alarm
and motion detection).
The recording rate and resolution can be
adjusted for each recording defined in the
Schedule or Manual Recording.
The DVR is set to record in Schedule mode
from the factory with pre-defined schedule.
Thus it is always recording.
To stop recording the DVR must be put into
Manual Recording mode and recording
turned off.
3. 2. 1 Schedule
The Recording Schedule screen displays
one day of the week showing the schedule
of all channels over a 24-hour period.
For each 1-hour cell block the recording
method, rate and resolution can be specified.
The quality level (QL) can be adjusted for
each hour. The audio recording (AR) can
also be enabled or disabled.
The recording method (Continuous, Alarm,
Motion) for each block is shown in color for
easy viewing. The recording rate and
resolution are not shown. To see the detail
settings press the USER button.
The detail screen shows 8 channels over a
6-hour period. Press the USER button again
to return to the summary view.
• To edit one block
Move the highlighted cell block and press
the ENTER button.
• To edit multiple blocks
Move the highlighted cell block to one
corner of a rectangle area. Press and hold
the STOP button then expand the
highlighted area as desired. Press the
ENTER button.
Changing the format will initialize the
HDD storage and all data will be lost.