South of the border mashed potatoes – Cuisinart SmartPower HTM-5CH User Manual
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smooth. Cook over low heat, stirring
frequently, until thick and smooth, about
10 to 12 minutes.
Add salt, pepper, chives, and cheese; stir
until blended. Remove from heat and allow
to cool 5 minutes. Add zucchini to cooled
sauce; stir until blended.
Place egg whites and cream of tartar in a
large mixing bowl and beat on Speed
5/High until stiff peaks form, about 1½
minutes; reserve.
Place yolks in a medium bowl and beat on
Speed 3/Medium until blended. Add
zucchini sauce and mix on Speed 1/Low
until blended, about 15 to 20 seconds.
Using a rubber spatula, fold zucchini
mixture into beaten egg whites. Coat a 1½
quart (6-cup) soufflé dish (straight-sided)
with cooking spray.
Transfer soufflé mixture to dish and bake
until metal knife inserted in center comes
out clean, about 35 minutes. Serve
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 215 (68% from fat) • carb. 8g • pro. 10g
• fat 16g • sat. fat 9g • chol. 180mg • sod. 375mg
Separating eggs: Break eggs one at a time
into two small bowls (one for whites and
one for yolks) and transfer the whites to a
mixing bowl. Repeat with remaining eggs.
This will prevent a yolk from ruining the
entire bowl of egg whites.
South of the Border
Mashed Potatoes
Our tasters raved about this hot and spicy
potato casserole.
Makes 4¼ cups (8 servings)
teaspoon salt, divided
pounds potatoes, (about 7-8
cup margarine, cut into
4-5 pieces
cup buttermilk
teaspoon cumin
teaspoon red pepper flakes
cup frozen corn kernels,
defrosted and dried on
paper towels
cup finely chopped jalapeño
peppers,* drained and dried
on paper towels
cup chopped pimento, drained
and dried on paper towels
Fill a 2-quart saucepan with 4 cups water
and ½ teaspoon salt. Peel and quarter
potatoes; place in covered saucepan over
high heat. Bring to a boil, remove cover
and cook until tender, about 20 minutes.
Drain well and return to saucepan.
Mash potatoes on Speed 1/Low until
smooth, about 30 seconds. Add margarine
and mix on Speed 1/Low until well
blended, about 45 seconds. Add
buttermilk, cumin, red pepper and
remaining salt; mix on Speed 3/Medium
until fluffy, about 45 seconds. Scrape
down sides of pan with rubber spatula as
Add corn, jalapeño peppers, and pimento;
mix on Speed 1/Low until just blended.
Place potato mixture in a 1½ quart
(6-cup) casserole dish and refrigerate until
ready to use. Preheat oven to 350°F. Place
casserole in oven and bake until heated
through, about 30 minutes.
*Mild, medium, or hot jalapeño peppers
may be used.
Serving Suggestions: Serve with London
Broil or chicken marinated in salsa and
Chili Bake: Place chili in a casserole dish.
Top with South of the Border Mashed
Potatoes and bake.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 225 (25% from fat) • carb. 38g • pro. 5g
• fat 6g • sat. fat 1g • chol. 2mg • sod. 186mg
Occasionally ingredients may cling to the
side of the mixing bowl. If this happens,
use a rubber spatula to scrape down the
side of the bowl.