Switch housing and light kit adaptor installation – Casablanca Fan Company Holliston C31UxxZ User Manual

Page 22

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Switch Housing and Light kit

adaptor installation:

- Continued


Step 14e. Align the four screw holes on the cap with

the holes on the light kit adaptor plate, using the four

(4) screws that you earlier removed from the light kit

adaptor assembly (see step 11c) and insert the four

(4) screws, attaching the cap to the bottom of the fan

as shown in Figure #10 on this page. then tighten all

four (4) screws with the provided screwdriver.

NOTE: locate and open the box for the light kit that

you are installing on the fan and locate the installation

instructions. If the installation instructions refer to

attaching the light kit by screwing the center stem in

to the bottom of the fan, switch housing cap or that

the light kit is mounted by screw the center stem into

the bottom of the fan, it may look like the light kit as

shown in Figure # 12. You will need to use the switch

housing cap that has been provided in the box as

shown in Figure #11 during the installation of the light

kit. otherwise, skip to step 14g.

Step 14f. locate the switch housing cap as shown in

Figure #11. Then attach the light fixture to the switch

housing cap by first threading the BLACK and WHITE

wires through the hole in the center of the switch

housing cap, also as shown in Figure #13, and then

screw the light kit fixture to the bottom of the switch

housing cap by screwing the center stem of the light

fixture into the bottom switch housing cap as shown

in Figures # 13 and #14. Secure the light kit to the

switch housing by placing the lock washer and hex

nut you removed from the light kit onto the center

stem and screw on firmly.

Figure #10

SWitCh houSinG


CenteR SteM


Figure #11

Figure #12

CenteR SteM

Figure #14

SWitCh houSinG


CenteR SteM

LiGht FixtuRe

{example Photo}

BLaCk aNd wHITe


Figure #13

SWitCh houSinG


CenteR SteM

LiGht FixtuRe

{example Photo}

BLaCk aNd wHITe


hex nut

