Compatible Systems 10/100 User Manual
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10/100 Ethernet-DES I/O Card Administrator’s Guide, Version 1.0
Copyright© 1999, Compatible Systems Corporation
All rights reserved. IntraPort Carrier, IntraPort Enterprise, RISC Router, MicroRouter and
CompatiView are trademarks of Compatible Systems Corporation. Other trademarks are the
property of their respective holders.
Copyright© 1997-1999 by Hi/fn, Inc. Includes one or more U.S. Patent Nos.: 4,701,745; 5,003,307; 5,016,009;
5,126,739; 5,146,221; 5,414,425; 5,414,850; 5,463,390; 5,506,580; 5,532,694. Other Patents Pending.
FCC Notice: This product has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class A computing
device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. It is designed to provide reasonable pro-
tection against radio or television communication interference in a commercial environment.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area could cause interference with radio or television