CLIFFORD concept 30 User Manual
Page 16

FACT™— False Alarm Control and Test
With FACT, you’ll never experience repeated false alarms. If your Insignia™ siren
goes off, DO NOT remotely disarm the system while the siren sounds; allow it to
run for the full siren duration. Before sounding the siren a second time, the system
automatically checks for another activated trigger or sensor to verify that an
intrusion is in progress. Should the siren sound again, you will know for sure that
someone is tampering with your vehicle. (To disable FACT, see User-selectable
features on pages 16–17.)
How to interpret the chirps and parking light flashes
When you use the remote control, the system responds with chirps (unless the chirp
muting feature is turned on) and parking light flashes. These chirp/flash
acknowledgments mean:
Chirps and flashes
Your Concept system is disarmed
Your Concept system is armed
2 and then 4
Armed but one of the sensors is malfunctioning (see Smart AutoTesting on page 12)
Disarmed and there was an intrusion attempt (see Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt on page 14)
Armed but the hood or trunk is open (see Smart AutoTesting on page 12)
Smart prior intrusion attempt alert
When you remotely disarm, if you hear three chirps and see three parking light flashes
(instead of the usual one and one) it means that a trigger or sensor was activated in
your absence. When you enter the vehicle and turn on the ignition (or start the
engine), the LED will blink several times, pause, then repeat the blink cycle 4 more
times. Count the number of blinks in one cycle and refer to the chart below:
Number of LED blinks per cycle
Trigger/sensor that detected the intrusion attempt
1 blink
Magnetic Resonance Sensor
2 blinks
Proximity Sensor
3 blinks
Door trigger
4 blinks
Trunk trigger
5 blinks
Hood trigger
Automatic starter interrupt
Your Concept 30 automatically prevents engine starting while the system is armed.
Clifford’s fault-proof design ensures that you can start the engine even in the unlikely
event of a full system failure (other brands of alarms can leave the driver stranded).