Interlogix KTD-405 Series Upgrade Kit Installation Instructions User Manual
Ktd-405 upgrade kit

KTD-405 Upgrade Kit
The KTD-405 Upgrade Kit consists of either a master micro-controller chip, a slave micro-controller chip, or both,
depending on the version of software currently installed in your keypad.
1) Remove the six cover screws on the back and bottom of the unit (see Figure 1).
2) Remove the top cover and turn it over to expose the unit’s main circuit board (see Figure 2).
3) Locate both the master and slave micro-controller chips (see Figure 2). The master chip is identified
by the ID number D0405M00. The slave chip is identified by the ID number D0405M01.
4) Remove the chip(s) that you are replacing with the chip puller provided (see Figure 2).
5) Align the chips so that their ID numbers are correctly oriented in their sockets, as shown in Figure 2.
Make sure that the chips are correctly aligned. The sockets may be damaged if the chips
are inserted with incorrect alignment.
6) Insert the upgraded micro-controller chip(s) in the appropriate socket(s).
7) Reattach the top and bottom covers and reinstall the cover screws.
Figure 1. Remove cover screws
Figure 2. Micro-controller chips
1036605B / January 2003
Technical Support: 800-469-1676
© 2003 Kalatel, a GE Interlogix company