The rheovac, Air in-leak monitor system – Intek RheoVac 940 User Manual

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Figure 1 RheoVac Air In-Leak Monitor



For the first time, all necessary properties of the fluid in the condenser exhauster line are directly
measured to provide an accurate determination of air in-leakage. These properties are measured to
provide the power industry with the most advantageous and complete product for condenser system

— the RheoVac


Air In-Leak Monitor System*

*USPNs 5,485,754; 5,752,411

The RheoVac air in-leak monitor system consists of multiple sensors configured in a single probe head
and an electronic signal conditioner and digital signal processor (DSP) unit. The sensing probe is
installed in the vacuum line between the condenser and the exhauster. The RheoVac monitor is superior
to all other methods in that it makes no assumptions about the dynamic condenser and vacuum line
environment. The sensor head employs the patented Rheotherm


technology to provide an accurate flow

measurement. Additionally, temperature, pressure and water vapor relative saturation measurements are
made using a high accuracy platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD), a strain gauge pressure
sensor and a specially configured and calibrated water vapor saturation sensor.