ILY Helios SATA DVD/CD/Blu-ray Duplicator Controller User Manual
Helios, Sata dvd/cd/blu-ray duplicator controller, Control panel

HELIOS is uniquely designed to save users time and increase productivity supporting both standard
DVD/CD/BD and USB-to-Disc duplications. HELIOS features a user-friendly 7-button control panel with
two (2) user-programmable SmartKeys for frequently used functions and a One-Touch USB copy
control key. User-friendly menu-driven functions are displayed through the 2-line LCD screen.
Designed to maximize usability, HELIOS adds more convenient functions to a best-selling standalone
duplicator controller design.
SATA DVD/CD/Blu-ray Duplicator Controller
with user-programmable SmartKeys and One-touch USB-to-Disc copy
A. ESC: Back to previous menu
B. OK: Select desired function
C. Up/Down: Scroll through available functions
D. SmartKeys (A & B): For customized shortcuts of
frequently used functions
E. LCD display: Back-lit LCD display
F. USB Instant copy button: One-touch USB-to-
disc duplication
G. Status Indicator LED Light: For USB duplication
H. USB port: Reads all USB 2.0/ 1.0 USB drives
Control Panel
1 Target
SATA-DVD/CD/Blu-ray Duplicator Controller
5 Target
SATA-DVD/CD/Blu-ray Duplicator Controller
7 Target
SATA-DVD/CD/Blu-ray Duplicator Controller
Available Models