Haltech HT045666 User Manual
Page 6

Alternator (ALT)
The Alternator output connects directly to the OEM Alternator.
The +12V signal and alternator excite wires are pre-wired into the loom.
Both two and four pin versions of the alternator connector are available.
Two pin
Four pin
Figure 1 – Available Alternator Connectors
Camshaft Position Sensor Input (CAM)
The camshaft position sensor is used in conjunction with the crank angle sensor to
determine crankshaft position and stoke of the engine.
Connector style and wiring of the CAM sensor varies between models therefore
two connectors have been supplied for the end user to terminate for their application.
Some applications connect to the CAM sensor directly whilst others use a small
pigtail harness.
Refer to the table below for correct wiring of your CAM Sensor.
Insert pre-terminated pins into the rear of the connector until they lock.
Figure 2 – Alternate Cam Sensor wiring
Cabin Wiring
The cabin wiring is made up of multiple inputs and outputs.
Correct connection of these cables is essential for proper operation of the harness.
All wires have been labeled and required cables should be connected as outlined below.
Battery Connections
The following cables will connect directly to the battery on the vehicle
Figure 5 – Harness Cabin and Battery wiring