Great Planes Yak-55M EP ARF - GPMA1186 User Manual
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The Yak-55M EP is a great-flying model that flies smoothly
and predictably. The Yak-55M EP does not, however, possess
the self-recovery characteristics of a primary R/C trainer and
should be flown only by experienced R/C pilots.
while flying, you notice an alarming or unusual sound such
as a low-pitched "buzz," this may indicate control surface
flutter. Flutter occurs when a control surface (such as an
aileron or elevator) or a flying surface (such as a wing or
stab) rapidly vibrates up and down (thus causing the noise).
In extreme cases, if not detected immediately, flutter can
actually cause the control surface to detach or the flying
surface to fail, thus causing loss of control followed by
an impending crash. The best thing to do when flutter is
detected is to slow the model immediately by reducing
power, then land as soon as safely possible. Identify
which surface fluttered (so the problem may be resolved)
by checking all the servo grommets for deterioration or
signs of vibration. Make certain all pushrod linkages are
secure and free of play. If it fluttered once, under similar
circumstances it will probably flutter again unless the
problem is fixed. Some things which can cause flutter are;
Excessive hinge gap; Not mounting control horns solidly;
Poor fit of clevis pin in horn; Side-play of wire pushrods
caused by large bends; Excessive free play in servo
gears; Insecure servo mounting; and one of the most
prevalent causes of flutter; Flying an over-powered model
at excessive speeds.
The Yak-55M EP is easy to fly and does not have any bad
flying traits. It requires only a short distance for takeoff. In
the air, you will notice that it does have some pitch coupling
with rudder. This can be easily mixed out with a computer
radio. We recommend taking off on high rates. Once you feel
comfortable with the high rates, check out what you can do
with the 3D rates.
We do recommend that a flight timer be set up on your
transmitter to avoid a dead stick when the motor battery
dumps and the ESC cuts the power to the motor. Landing
the Yak-55M EP is easy. As the power is reduced for landing,
the speed bleeds off quickly. It may take a couple of landings
to get the feel of how quickly the plane slows down. We found
that the plane lands as if it has flaps.
Have a ball flying the Yak-55M! But, remember to always
stay in control and fly in a safe manner.
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