Great Planes Triton2 Charger - GPMM3153 User Manual

Page 6

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1. In the Main Menu press BATT TYPE to find the “NiCd CHARGE” screen to charge a NiCd battery, or find the “NiMH

CHARGE” screen to charge a NiMH battery.

2. To change the charge current, press the dial to cause the value to flash. Rotate the dial to find the desired charge current (0.1 – 7.0

amps). See the included NiCd AND NiMH CHARGE AND DISCHARGE CURRENT CHART for recommended current settings.
Note that “0.2A” is the same as 200mA… “0.7A” is the same as 700mA, etc. Press the dial to confirm the selection. Note: Rotating
the dial fully to either direction will cause “auto” to show. See the “Notes” section below for details on the auto function.


and hold the dial for 2 seconds.
“BATTERY CHECK” will show while
T2 evaluates the condition of the
battery. If the battery is ready, peak
charge will start automatically at
which time you’ll see a screen like
shown at right.

WARNING! It is normal for NiCd and NiMH batteries to become warm during charge. Disconnect batteries IMMEDIATELY if they
become hot at any time! If batteries become overheated, it may be necessary to use a lower charge current in the future. Never attempt
to charge batteries at excessive rates, as permanent damage could result.

4. When peak charge is finished, the screen will show “END” and tones will sound for 10 seconds. The charger will

automatically go to trickle charge at this time (see the notes section below for details on trickle current). The battery is now
ready for use. To see details about input, output, or peak battery voltage, press BATT TYPE and MENU CHANGE buttons
simultaneously to see the DATA VIEW screens (see page 12).



NiMH Chg 03291
13.54V 3.2A 061m








Charge capacity: This is how much capacity (energy, in
"mAh") that has been delivered to the pack during charge.
When charge is finished, this number could be low if the
battery previously had some charge. For a battery which
previously had little or no charge, this number should be
higher (ideally within 10% of the battery's own mAh rating).

Elapsed charge time: This is the number of minutes the
battery has been on charge. When charge is finished, this
number could be low if the battery previously had some
charge. For a battery which previously had little charge,
this number should be larger.

Notes for charging NiCd and NiMH batteries:

• Lower current means it takes longer to charge but it’s less stressful on the batteries, tends to result in more fully charged batteries, and

helps to maximize the battery’s lifespan.

• Larger “sub-C” size cells can handle peak charge currents up to 5.0 amps with little heat generation. Smaller “A” and “AA” cells overheat

more easily and should be charged at much lower currents. Even smaller “AAA” and “N” cells should be charged at lower rates. Refer to
the NiCd AND NiMH CHARGE AND DISCHARGE CURRENTS table for recommended charge currents.

• A battery which is approaching or has reached full charge could become warm to the touch, but never get HOT. If overheated, the battery has

likely reached an overcharge condition and should be disconnected from the charger immediately!! Allow the battery to cool before use. And lower
the charge current setting for future charges.

• For packs having more than 12 volts, the actual amount of current delivered to the battery might automatically be limited so not to exceed

the charger’s maximum rated charge

power of 90 watts. See the included MAXIMUM POWER CHART for details.

• To keep NiCd batteries in good operating condition, it’s a good idea to properly discharge them before charging on a regular basis.
• NiMH batteries have a self-discharge rate of about 20-25% (vs. 15% for NiCd). Always recharge NiMH batteries just prior to use.
• The “deltaV” peak detection method is used to charge NiCd and NiMH batteries up to 95-98% full charge. When peak charge ends, a

trickle charge current will automatically be delivered to the battery which is designed to help the battery safely reach 100% full charge.
Trickle charge is applied

only after an individual peak charge (not after discharge or cycle), and will remain on until the pack is

disconnected. Trickle current is automatically set, based on the fast charge current setting as listed below:

Fast charge current

Trickle current

Fast charge current

Trickle current

0-0.9A ....................................0

4.0-4.9A ..............................200mA

1.0-1.9A .................................50mA

5.0-5.9A ..............................250mA

2.0-2.9A .................................100mA

6.0-7.0A ..............................300mA

3.0-3.9A .................................150mA

* Peak charge can be stopped manually by pressing the dial, or disconnecting the pack.
* In the “auto” current setting, T2 will automatically set the appropriate charge current based on the condition of the battery. It is NOT
recommended to use the “auto” function if charging smaller electric flight type NiCd / NiMH batteries (smaller than “AA” cells).