Lithium battery handling & usage, Radio equipment & electronics – Great Planes Synapse EDF Rx-R - GPMA6000 User Manual
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6. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not fl own this type
of model before, we recommend that you get the assistance
of an experienced pilot in your R/C club for your fi rst fl ights.
If you’re not a member of a club, your local hobby shop has
information about clubs in your area whose membership
includes experienced pilots.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends
on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model,
and no representations are expressed or implied as to
the performance or safety of your completed model.
Remember: Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
WARNING!! Read the entire instruction sheet included with
the battery. Failure to follow all instructions could cause
permanent damage to the battery and its surroundings, and
cause bodily harm!
• ONLY use a LiPo approved charger. NEVER use a NiCd/
NiMH peak charger!
• NEVER charge in excess of 4.20V per cell.
• ONLY charge through the “charge” lead. NEVER charge
through the “discharge” lead.
• NEVER charge at currents greater than 1C.
• ALWAYS set charger’s output volts to match battery volts.
• ALWAYS charge in a fi reproof location.
• NEVER trickle charge.
• NEVER allow battery temperature to exceed 150° F (65° C).
• NEVER disassemble or modify pack wiring in any way or
puncture cells.
• NEVER discharge below 2.5V per cell.
• NEVER place on combustible materials or leave unattended
during charge or discharge.
The Synapse Rx-R requires a transmitter that supports elevon
mixing, a micro receiver, and battery with charging equipment.
If you already have a transmitter you are going to use to fl y the
Synapse, you can get the receiver separately:
Futaba R114F 4-channel FM micro receiver w/o crystal
(low band - FUTL0442, high band - FUTL0443)
Futaba FM single conversion receiver crystal for R114F
(low band - FUTL62**, high band - FUTL63**)
Or, you can purchase a complete system (including transmitter)
specially packaged for park fl yers. If purchasing a complete
system, the Futaba 3FR Skysport (FUTJ53**) single-stick
radio is suitable. It comes with a micro receiver and two Futaba
S3108 micro servos. The transmitter is also equipped with a
rechargeable NiCd battery pack.
A lithium-polymer battery pack and suitable charger are
required. Although there are different battery packs and
chargers available that will work with the Synapse Rx-R, the
economical choices recommended by Great Planes are:
Great Planes 11.1V 910mAh LiPo 20C Discharge
Great Planes ElectriFly DC Lithium Polymer Charger
Great Planes Equinox
Cell Balancer (GPMM3160)
Note: The Great Planes 11.1V 1250mAh 20C LiPo with
balance connector (GPMP0609) will also fi t inside the radio
compartment of the Synapse. The 1250mAh pack will result
in a forward C.G. position, and the 910mAh pack will provide
a more aft C.G. position.
• When you see the term test fi t in the instructions, it means
that you should fi rst position the part on the assembly
without using any glue, then slightly modify or custom fi t
the part as necessary for the best fi t.
• Whenever the term glue is written you should rely upon
your experience to decide what type of glue to use. When
a specifi c type of adhesive works best for that step, the
instructions will make a recommendation.
• Whenever just epoxy is specifi ed you may use either 30-
minute (or 45-minute) epoxy or 6-minute epoxy. When 30-
minute epoxy is specifi ed it is highly recommended that
you use only 30-minute (or 45-minute) epoxy, because you
will need the working time and/or the additional strength.
• Photos and sketches are placed before the step they
refer to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps
to get another view of the same parts.