Balance the model (c.g.) – Great Planes Rifle Sport/Racer EP ARF - GPMA1805 User Manual
Page 12

compare the up and down throw to the specifi ed throw below.
If necessary, adjust the elevator throw by changing the ATVs
in your transmitter or by moving the pushrod on the servo arm.
If you’ve connected the pushrod to the servo arm as specifi ed
in the instructions the throws should be pretty close.
If your radio does not have dual rates, we recommend
setting the throws at the high rate settings.
NOTE: The throws are measured at the widest part of the
elevator and ailerons.
These are the recommended control surface throws:
[ 5mm]
13 deg
[ 5mm]
13 deg
[ 2mm]
7 deg
[ 2mm]
7 deg
[ 5mm]
11 deg
[ 5mm]
11 deg
[ 3mm]
7 deg
[ 3mm]
7 deg
3. Measure and set the low-rate elevator throw and the
high and low-rate aileron throw.
Balance the Model (C.G.)
More than any other factor, the C.G. (center of gravity/
balance point) can have the greatest effect on how a
model fl ies and could determine whether or not your fi rst
fl ight will be successful. If you value your model and wish
to enjoy it for many fl ights, DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS
IMPORTANT PROCEDURE. A model that is not properly
balanced may be unstable and possibly unfl yable.
1. Assemble and glue together the plywood balance
stand, but before gluing in the dowel uprights sand the
ends to a point.
2. At this stage your Rifl e should be in ready-to-fl y
condition with all of the components in place including the
complete radio system, motor, propeller and spinner. Install
the motor battery and mount the wing.
3. Place your Rifl e on the balance stand with the
pointed ends of the uprights on the middle balance lines
you marked earlier.
This is where the Rifl e should balance for the fi rst fl ights.
Later, you may experiment by shifting the C.G. 3/16"
[4.8mm] forward or 3/16" [4.8mm] back to change the
fl ying characteristics. Moving the C.G. forward will improve
stability, but the model will then land even faster. Moving
the C.G. aft will allow for slightly slower landing speeds,
but the model will then be more responsive. In any case,
start at the recommended balance point and do not at
any time balance the model outside the specifi ed range.
4. If the model sits level it is perfectly balanced and
is nearly ready to fl y. If it does not sit level ballast may be
required. Try moving your Rifl e forward or aft on the pointed
uprights just to see where it actually does balance. If it
balances within 1/16" [1.6mm] forward or aft of the middle
line (noting the recommended balance point) you could
probably fl y your Rifl e as balanced. But if it balances any
farther than that you should go ahead and balance it at the
recommended location. For certain, DO NOT fl y the Rifl e if
it balances outside the forward or aft lines. If any ballast is
required, it shouldn’t take much more than approximately 1/4
oz. [7g] on the tail or 1/2 oz. [14] in the nose.