Great Planes Power Plane - GPMR4030 User Manual

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spins at high speed while effectively shaving the surface
to the depth determined by the user. Both “power” buttons
need to be depressed simultaneously for the Power Plane
to operate. If this is your first time using the Power Plane,
practice planing on scraps of 3/8" or 1/4" balsa sheet or
balsa blocks until you are comfortable with the Power
Plane’s operation. The tool may seem a bit awkward at
first, but soon will become a workbench favorite. If you are
having any difficulty using the Power Plane, read the
“Troubleshooting” section and look for problems in
technique or other areas that may be causing the problem.

Note: The Power Plane is designed to plane balsa wood.
Using it on “soft hardwood” such as basswood may be
successful if care is used. Do not attempt to use it on very
hard wood such as birch, maple or oak.

Components of the Power Plane could be damaged by
continuous use under strenuous cutting conditions. It
should be allowed to cool for a few minutes after 10
minutes of continuous use on hard balsa, and longer if it’s
being used on “soft hardwoods.”