Build the outer panels – Great Planes Lil' Poke Park Flyer Kit - GPMA0005 User Manual

Page 9

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Refer to this photo for the following four steps.

❏ 11. Cut the top spars from two more 1/8" x 1/4" x 24" [3.2
x 6.4 x 610mm] balsa sticks and glue them into the notches
in the top of the ribs.

❏ 12. If building the wing with ailerons, cut a 3/4" [19.1mm]
wide top trailing edge sheet from a 1/32" x 3" x 24" [.8 x 76 x
610mm] balsa sheet and glue it into position as shown in the
photo. If not building the wing with ailerons, cut the top trailing
edge sheet to extend all the way to the trailing edge of the wing,
then glue it into position over the aileron ribs.

❏ 13. Use a 1/32" x 3" x 15" [.8 x 76 x 380mm] balsa sheet
to sheet the top of the center section between the leading
edge dowel and the forward spar and between the aft spar
and the trailing edge sheet.

❏ 14. Cut the shear webs that go between the ribs on the
back of the top and bottom main spars from a 1/32" x 3" x
15" [.8 x 76 x 380mm] balsa sheet (if building ailerons, save
the remainder of this sheet for making the bottom aileron
sheeting). Note that the grain of the shear webs is vertical.
Glue the shear webs into position. Do not glue the section
of webbing that goes between the polyhedral joiner and rib
W2 until after the outer panels are joined to the inner
panels. Also be certain the shear webbing between the W1
ribs extends to 1/32" [.8mm] below the top surface of the top
spar to accommodate the top sheeting.

❏ 15. Sheet the top of the center section between the two

❏ 16. Remove the center section from the building board.
Trim the forward bottom center section sheeting to fit the
leading edge dowel. Lightly wet the front of the sheet to
bend it up, then glue it to the dowel.

❏ 17. Lightly and carefully sand the sheeting on the top and
bottom of the center section smooth and even with the
spars. Lightly sand the tops and bottoms of the ribs just
enough to remove any irregularities or rough edges. Use an
11" [280mm] bar sander with 150-grit sandpaper to sand
any protruding spars or sheeting even with the W3 ribs on
both ends of the center section.

Build the left panel first so yours will look like the photos the
first time through.

❏ 1. Position the outer panel plans over your flat building
board and cover them with Plan Protector.

Refer to this photo for the following three steps.

❏ ❏ 2. Pin one of the laser-cut 1/16" [1.6mm] balsa wing
over its location on the plan.

❏ ❏ 3. Use the pattern on the wing plan to make the top and
bottom outer trailing edge sheeting from a 1/32" x 3" x 15"
[.8 x 76 x 380mm] balsa sheet. Pin one of the sheets over its
location on the plan, but do not glue it to the wing tip yet.

❏ ❏ 4. Cut the bottom spars from a 1/8" x 1/4" x 24" [3.2 x
6.4 x 610mm] balsa stick and pin them to the plan.

Build the Outer Panels