Great Planes AccuPoint Laser Incidence Meter - GPMR4020 User Manual
Instruction manual

P.O. Box 788 Urbana, IL 61803 (217) 398-8970
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a precision incidence measuring tool. The Great
Planes Accu-Point
Laser Incidence Meter is accurate to within 1/4º. This allows you to set-up and
check your airplane with a degree of precision that was never before possible.
Why use an incidence meter?
Model airplane designers create aircraft with specific performance goals in mind. The airplane’s spec-
ifications and angles are set and verified thorough extensive testing and measuring to achieve their
design goals. When building a model airplane from a kit, you are, in effect, making a duplicate of a
model that was built and tested by an experienced design team. It is up to you, the modeler, to make
sure that the airplane is straight and true during assembly. If the wing incidence or engine thrust does
not match the design specifications, the airplane will not fly as intended by the designer. Many flight prob-
lems can be traced down to some kind of misalignment or twist between flight surfaces. Using the
Great Planes Laser Incidence Meter, you can easily pinpoint inaccuracies in your model and correct
For the helicopter pilot, the Great Planes Laser Incidence Meter can be used to accurately measure
the pitch of the main rotor blades and to fine tune pitch curves.
Please read through the instructions and safety precautions to familiar-
ize yourself with the proper operation of this tool.
© Copyright 1999
GPMZ0254 for GPMR4020 V1.0