Great Planes PBY Catalina ARF - GPMA1154 User Manual
Page 9

11. Fit the cowl, centering it over the motor shaft. The
cowl should be snug enough to remain in place without any
glue. If you wish, you can glue it in place before fl ight.
12. Do not install the props at this time. You will be
instructed to check the motor operation later in the manual
and told when to install the props.
13. Securely epoxy the tip fl oats into the slots in the bottom
of the wing.
14. Repeat steps 1-14 for the left wing.
Install the Stab, Elevators and Rudder
1. Insert the aluminum wing joiner tube into one of the
wing halves. Slide the remaining wing half onto the tube and
push the wing together so that the alignment pin at the back
of the wing slides into the other wing panel. Temporarily
install the wing to the top of the fuselage using two 4-40 x
1-1/4" [32mm] socket head cap screws in the front mounting
holes and two 4-40 x 3/4" [19mm] socket head cap screws
in the rear mounting holes. When installing the wing be sure
all of the wires fi t between the mounting screws and fi t into
the fuselage.
2. Locate the horizontal stabilizer, two elevator halves and
the elevator joiner wire. Test fi t the joiner wire into the holes
and slot in the trailing edge of the elevators. Look at the
alignment of the elevators. If they are not aligned with each
other, make small adjustments to the joiner wire until the two
elevator halves are aligned.
3. When you are satisfi ed with the fi t and alignment, epoxy
the wire to the elevator halves.
4. Using the same technique used for installing the
ailerons, install three hinges into each half of the elevator.
Then slide the elevator into the stab. Apply a couple of drops
of thin CA to the top and bottom of each hinge. Allow the glue
to harden before moving on to the next step.